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Our Team Members

Nuvarna Game Studios is a collection of nationwide friends that collaborate on game design over the internet.


Below, you will find a list of our team members, including our new members acquired from a merger earlier this year.

Founding Members

These seven people are the founders of NGS. Their names will forever grace this list with their presence.


Krimzon - Head Story Writer

Inmate 117 - Assisstant Story Writer

Shadow08 - Head Map Designer

Mai Haruka - Assisstant Map Designer

Willy Gator - Head Scripter

Deri Franco - Assisstant Scripter

Schatten-Mädchen - Spriter

Rest In Peace

The following person helped NGS learn to create games with the quality they now have:


Frank Velano - Jack of all trades

(07/21/74 - 04/19/17)


A Designer, A husband, A father, A friend.

He touched the lives of many here at NGS, and he left a lifetime of memories, stories, lessons, and enjoyment. He will be sorely missed.

New Members

These ten people are members of JGC that have agreed to join our group. They bring a lot of talent to our group.


Jena Yates - Spriter

Mai Minase - Mapping

Xander - Scripting

​Mädchen der Finsternis - Foreign Language

Amana Kisurugi - Foreign Language

Dark Child - Mapping

Jonas - Scripting

Holand - Graphics

Danceing Lady - Music Composer

Veti Sin - Music Composer

NGS Support Staff

The following people may not help with game design, but they keep NGS running smoothly by managing the non design aspects of the Studio:


Joseph Jackson - Accounting


Isabella Moteva - Public Relations


John Wright - Acquisitions


Peter Holind - Records


James Quamm - Technical Support 

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