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Secondhand Game Design

Are you a game designer?

Do you have a design project you just can't finish?


We at NGS may be able to help you!


NGS is proud to announce, that starting May 1st, we will be starting our new "Secondhand Game Design" project. This project is an attempt to help game designers that can't finish their projects themselves, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.

We understand that everyone has a life, and sometimes, a game design project just can't get the attention needed to finish it. But instead of abandoning the project, NGS will obtain your project, and help it become a finished game.

But we need some things from you, before we can do this:


1.) A summary of the basic plot for the game.

2.) An unlocked, full access copy of the game archive.


With these two things, we will give your neglected project the attention it deserves. You will be fully credited as the creator, and original owner of the game, but NGS will retain control of the game itself, unless otherwise negotiated.

For more information, check out this document:


Secondhand Game Design Project Details

Projects We Have Adopted

NGS will make sure to keep an updated, complete list of the game projects we have adopted under our SHGD Project. You can also find more information on these adopted projects on our Project Information page.


Aleah's Great Adventure-----------------------------------------------By: KrimzonGirl

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