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The NGS Design team would like to say, that up until now, we have managed to support our hobby by setting aside some of the money each member makes from their job. And until now, this has been a great idea, and has worked quite well.

However, we have realized that some of our dreams on making NGS better rely on more money than we can raise in this fashion, and we have come to the conclusion that asking our fanbase to help out would be a great start in reaching our goals.


This is not an attempt to beg for money from you all, but simply our attempt to explain why this section is here. If you would like to know more about our dreams for NGS's future, you can read a summery of them below.


1.) Comission a new Studio Emblem - As long time NGS fans can see, we have had the same emblem for nine years. It has served us well, but a simple orange circle with NGS written on it isn't our final vision for our emblem, but rather a compromise we made, and never brought up again.


2.) Redesign the NGS website - We have had this same website layout for several years now, and we believe it is time to redesign it. This includes updating any old information, page layout changes, and even obtaining our own web address (instead of using the hosting).


3.) Comission an NGS Theme Track - This is not a big dream for us, but it would help us feel more independent if we weren't borrowing a music track from RPG Maker VX to fill this role.


4.) Hire programmers with video design abilities - We would like to start making trailers for our games. However, none of us currently have much expirience with video design.


These are the four top dreams we have for NGS's future. But in order to bring them to fruition, we need your help. If you feel inclined, feel free to donate whatever you feel like to our NGS Restoration Fund, by clicking on the button below.


Thank you, for you support,

and for following NGS!

-NGS Design Team

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